Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Fellowship Alliance Church Sanctuary
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
2. The roll was not called since 43 owners had returned proxies and 16 people were present for a total of 59 so a quorum was met.
3. Minutes from the last Association Meeting (December 10, 2018) were approved as written.
4. Property Manager’s Report presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management:
a. Painting is done on a cycle of 6 years. The buildings to be painted in 2019 are: Units 17-18, 47-54
and 81-88. After the 5th year there would be a pause of a year, saving around $39,000.
b. Two thirds of the spring walk around items have been completed.
c. The gutters have been cleaned. Let Gene know if there is a problem with a clogged gutter.
d. Landscaping behind 31-39 is in progress. Stumps will be ground and some trees removed.
e. Information about ice dams was provided. Southbrook had less than other places Gene manages.
5. Financial Report:
First Security Checking $ 18,437.18
First Security Savings $130,258.46
Stockman Bank CD $123,353.55
First Security Road Account $124,341.55
TOTAL: $396,390.74
6. Road Report:
a. Kevin Bute announced that the road project will be delayed until 2020 due to a lack of acceptable bids. Apex Construction was the only bid received at $380,000. The Board wanted at least three bids before awarding the project.
b. The engineer for the project is Ned Miller with ICEM Engineering, who was present, and answered questions. There will be requests for bids from contractors in the winter of 2020.
c. There was a discussion about replacing the concrete driveways. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis and the cost will be the responsibility of the owner.
d. The lifespan of the new street will be approximately 30 years if taken care of properly. The curbs will
be removed and replaced with a “roll-down” curb to better help with snow removal.
e. Parking strips are needed in the parking areas.
f. There will be new mailboxes installed as part of the road construction project.
g. There may be a dumpster placed on the property during the construction to help alleviate the problem of trash removal when the road is disrupted.
h. There will be sprinkler upgrades and some of the larger trees may be removed due to the roots interfering with the sprinklers and the road surfaces.
7. Miscellaneous Items:
*Dogs must be on a leash at all times when outside and cleaned up after they do their thing.
*Dryer vents should be cleaned on a regular basis. Southbrook no longer has a vendor who will clean the vents.
*The buildings are aging and more repairs and expenses are to be expected.
*Please place garbage cans out the night before or the morning of pickup and return them to your garage on that day.
Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Nancy Stetter
Resident Manager
Southbrook Condo Association Special Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 8, 2018
Fellowship Alliance Church Meeting Room
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:08 pm.
2. The roll was called by Resident Manager, Nancy Stetter, to determine if a quorum was present – with 44 proxies and 17 people present a quorum was met.
3. Property Manager’s Report presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management:
a. Sprinklers have been turned off for the winter.
b. The City of Bozeman needs to trim the boulevard trees on 23rd Street.
c. The gutter cleanout has been scheduled.
d. There is a new snow contractor – Bozeman Arbor Care.
4. Street Improvement Project
a. The cost has increased 7% since the original estimate in 2014.
b. If the project is approved after the engineering is complete there will be a request for bids sent in January, 2019.
c. The work will begin in the spring or summer of 2019.
d. How to manage trash pickup and post office boxes will be a major consideration.
e. There will be a Q & A session with the engineer on the project in December, 2018.
f. There was a discussion about the financing of the project. It was noted that the CD in Stockman Bank is not receiving very much interest and perhaps the funds could be
moved to a different investment with higher returns.
g. There were questions about how much of our funds should be in the operating expense budget and how much should be in the reserve funds.
h. There was a discussion about replacing the concrete driveways which would be at the owner’s expense. More information is needed in order to make a decision.
5. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to continue with the Street Improvement Project.
6. Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes
Wednesday December 10, 6:00 P.M.
Fellowship Alliance Church Meeting Room
1. Kevin called the meeting to order at 6 P.M.
2. Patti Britton and Nancy Stetter called the roll to determine if a quorum was present. With 22 owners present and 35 proxies a quorum was met (65% of owners participated).
3. The approval of Minutes from the last Bi-Annual meeting on June 20, 2018 was approved unanimously.
4. Property Manager’s Report - Gene Murray
a. 18 units will be painted in 2019.
b. With the booming of Bozeman and Big Sky construction contractors are difficult to find. We have a new snow contractor this year – Bozeman Arbor Care.
c. There were two concerns about the quality of the snow removal and Gene assured everyone that he would take care of that issue.
d. Gene addressed the importance of creating a Reserve Fund other than the savings account and CD, and gave examples of dues in other Associations – all higher than Southbrook.
e. There was a discussion about the volunteers who have been working on a tree maintenance
plan. One person noted what a good job has been done on the tree maintenance. Our urban forest is a very big asset to Southbrook and will be carefully taken into account when the new roads are built.
5. Old Business
a. Financial Report given by Resident Manager, Nancy Stetter
First Security Checking $ 14,761.88
Stockman Bank CD $123,021.90
First Security Savings $130,176.83
Road Fund $112,139.75
Total $380,100.36
b. Kevin Bute gave a report on the 2018 Budget and noted that the Southbrook Board, Managers Gene Murray and Nancy Stetter have been good stewards of Southbrook’s finances.
6. 2019 Budget
a. The 2019 Budget was approved unanimously.
7. New Road Updates
a. The definite costs for the road construction are still unknown but it is estimated to be around $338,100:
*The invitations to bid will be sent out in March, 2019.
*Kevin and Gene described the construction process. It is expected that the construction will be 6 – 7 weeks in duration.
*There was a discussion regarding who is responsible for replacing the concrete pads in front of the garages. Board members will study the Bylaws for information.
b. There was a great deal of discussion regarding how the extra costs that are not funded by the Road Fund or our savings will be acquired:
*Southbrook could get a bank loan and the $25 per month assessment could continue after the initial ending date in May 2019 to pay the loan.
*The CD will mature in April, 2020. We could close the CD early and use those funds.
*Reserve Account investment options were discussed.
8. Adjournment
Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 21, 2018
Fellowship Alliance Church Meeting Room
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.
2. The roll was called by Board Member Patti Britton to determine if a quorum was present – with 23 proxies and 22 people present a quorum was met.
3. Minutes from the last Association meeting (December 11, 2017) were approved as written.
4. Property Manager’s Report presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management:
a. Painting is done on a cycle of 6 years. The buildings to be painted in 2018 are units 27-46. There were two bids for painting.
b. A Master Landscaping Plan for the maintenance and possible removal of trees and shrubs is being developed in preparation for the new streets that will be installed in 2019. Some of the roots of the larger trees have impacted the sprinkler system. There is also extreme clogging of the gutters due to the larger maple and aspen trees. Two people volunteered to be on a committee with Gene and the Board to discuss and prepare a report regarding the Master Landscaping Plan.
c. There have been some water issues in crawl spaces due to the above average rainfall and higher levels of ground water.
5. Old Business:
a. The Financial Report was given by Resident Manager Nancy Stetter:
First Security Checking $ 14,075.13
First Security Savings $136,176.83
Stockman Bank CD $122,296.51
First Security Road Account $101,074.63
TOTAL: $373,623.16
6. New Business:
a. There were questions regarding the Road Fund and when the work would be done. It is scheduled for2019. The engineer for the project is Ned Miller with ICM Survey and Engineering Company. There will be requests for bids from contractors when the time comes.
There was a discussion about replacing the concrete driveways. This will be decided on a case-by case basis. Kevin will send out progress reports.
b. There was a discussion regarding the fire in #85 on February 9th, 2018. The insurance adjusters were not able to exactly determine what caused the fire because the materials in the unit were thrown out the window in order to stop the fire. It was speculated that it was caused by an electrical fire.
The Bylaws of Southbrook states that in a catastrophic event our Commercial Insurance would cover all the repairs. The Board has decided to hire a lawyer in order to rewrite the Bylaws so that the owner’s insurance would cover the damages.
They also have decided to search for a new insurance company which our agent said he would do when the claim for #85 is completely settled.
7. Miscellaneous Items:
*Dryer vents should be cleaned on a regular basis. Southbrook no longer has a vendor who will clean the vents.
*The buildings are aging and more repairs and expenses are to be expected.
*A new medical marijuana dispensary has opened in the former YMCA building. Concerns were expressed and the possibility of a fence on that side was explored.
*Please place garbage cans out the night before or the morning of pickup and return them to your garage on that day.
Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
November 24, 2017
Dear Southbrook Owner:
The Southbrook Condominium Association will hold its bi-annual membership meeting on
Monday, December 11, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. in the Alliance Fellowship Church at 315 S. 19th Ave, Bozeman, MT 59718 (corner of S. 19th Ave. and W. Koch St.). Below is a proxy form. If you are unable to attend please return this completed form to the above return address or deposit it in the drop box attached to the wall of unit #84 by Sunday December 10, 2017. You may also email your proxy to Nancy Stetter at: You do not need to return the exact form below as long as you give your name, unit number, and to whom you will be giving your voting privileges.
In order to act on agenda items a quorum of 44 owners must be present or represented by proxy. Please make every effort to attend or to send in your proxy form.
Kevin Bute, Chairman
Date: _________________I______________________, owner of Southbrook Condominium Unit(s) #_____, do hereby pass all my voting privileges to the below named person who will attend the semi-annual meeting of Southbrook Condominium Association on December 11, 2017 in the meeting room of the Alliance Fellowship Church at 6:00 PM.
Named Proxy:____________________________________
Owner’s Signature: ________________________________
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Agenda
Monday December 11, 2017 @ 6:00 P.M.
Alliance Fellowship (Meeting Room)
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call to determine if quorum is present.
3. Approval of minutes from last meeting (December 15, 2016).
4. Property Manager’s Report Presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management and Consulting.
5. Old Business:
A. Financial Report by Resident Manager Nancy Stetter
First Security Bank Checking $ 15,929.90
First Security Bank Savings $146,048.03
Stockman Bank CD $121,627.62
Road Fund $ 84,351.71
Total $367,957.26
B. 2017 Budget Approval.
C. Board Member Elections:
Kevin Bute (Unit 19)
Brian LaMeres (Unit 43)
Patti Brittion (Unit 50)
Bill Jones (Unit 78)
6. New Business:
A. 2018 Proposed Budget Approval
B. Road Improvement Update
MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING – May 3, 2017 - 6 pm
Present: Kevin Bute, Brian LaMeres, Patti Britton, Gene Murray, Nancy Stetter
At the home of Nancy Stetter
I. Old Business:
Report from Gene Murray, Property Manager
a. Southbrook received three bids for the painting contract for this year. The buildings to be painted are #19-26 and #71-80. Gene recommended hiring a new vendor this year – Ron and Sons from Livingston. Their bid was the lowest and they have been in the business for a long time. The Board agreed to hire Ron and Sons for the painting.
b. The same vendors as last year, Evergreen Lawn Maintenance, will provide mowing and cleanup services as well as Sweetgrass Lawnscapes who help maintain the smaller areas.
c. The broken fence on the southeast corner of the property will be repaired this summer. Gene will meet with a representative of the company on May 4, 2017.
d. Gene recommends that Southbrook begin the new road project in 2018 rather than waiting until 2019. He met with the engineer, Ned Miller, who will oversee the project. Gene will discuss the fee with Mr. Miller. The Board agreed to begin the road project next year.
It was suggested that Southbrook have a single issue meeting with the entire Association in order to answer questions and give an outline about what to expect. The Special Assessment will continue until June of 2019.
II. New Business:
a. The Budget for 2017 was approved.
b. There was a discussion about the problem with dog excrement/off-leash dogs and free roaming cats.
c. There was a discussion regarding unit #40, which is a vacation rental that was grandfathered in. Nancy described the problems she was having with the rental agency for this unit. They have been very delinquent in sending the required rental and registration forms. Kevin suggested that Nancy turn problems like this over to the Board sooner rather than later. It was agreed to fine the owner $75.
d. The next Bi-Annual Meeting Date will be June 13, 2017 at the Gallatin County Detention Center from 6 pm until 8 pm.
e. There was a discussion about the Leasing Policy. Patti Britton created a document that could be given to all owners that perhaps would make it easier to understand what is required. It was also suggested that we send out a newsletter a few times a year and invite people to participate more in the life of the Association. Patti agreed to write them.
f. Nancy gave a report about the rental waiting list for owners to rent their units. There are now 8 owners on the list. This policy is working quite well.
g. Spring Inspection Tour will be Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 9 am – we will meet at the northeast entrance.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.
Respectfully submitted on May 8, 2017
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes, Meeting Room - Gallatin County Detention Center, December 15, 2016
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:08 pm.
2. The roll was called by Resident Manager Nancy Stetter to determine if a quorum was present – with 36 proxies and 14 people present a quorum was met.
3. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes from the last Association meeting (June 15, 2016) as written. The motion passed without comment.
4. Property Manager’s Report - Gene Murray of Murray Management and Consulting, LLC
A. The usual 5 year painting cycle will begin in 2017. Perhaps it could be changed to a 6 year schedule due to the excellent paint and preparation in the last 5 years.
B. Several trees were blown over by the wind on the southeast side of Southbrook by the creek. An agreement was reached with the owner of the adjoining property to split the cost of the cleanup. A new fence will replace the one that was damaged, which should help the problem of people cutting through that area.
C. The sprinkler system is working well with some improvements made this year.
D. The Board has determined that installing drip systems in the small planting areas in front of the buildings would help upgrade the entrance areas. They will begin with 5 areas, especially the ones that owners have planted and maintained, with the intention to eventually make the improvement around all the buildings. Units #8 and 34 requested to be first on the list.
E. Several maple trees were sprayed to inhibit the infestation of aphids. A dead scotch pine tree was removed.
F. There were a few comments and questions regarding the snow removal. Gene noted that the City of Bozeman requires that all the City sidewalks are to have the snow removed, as are our inner sidewalks. Please call Nancy if you notice that sidewalks are not being cleaned and she will notify Gene. Ice melt will not work when the temperature is below 10 degrees. Gene will notify JD’s to be sure and remove snow around the mailboxes.
G. The painting contractor which we have been using has not responded to requests to do some touchup painting in the building 19-22. Gene will follow up on this for next year.
H. The gutters were all cleaned this fall and the fall leaf cleanup was much improved.
I. Gene answered questions about the upcoming road replacement work.
5. New Business
The financial report was given by Resident Manager, Nancy Stetter:
B. The Board has two new members – Patti Britton #50, and Bill Jones #78, who are replacing Joe Manlove and Matt Henningsen. There will be an election of officers at the next regular meeting. It was suggested that forming committees could be another way in which members could serve.
6. A few reminders:
a. If you notice building lights that are not working please call Nancy Stetter, 587-2334 or email,
b. Please see information below about the Risk Policy regarding insurance coverage for water damage in Southbrook, and check to see if your water heater, toilets, and washing machines meet the requirements for coverage:
1. All owners are required to furnish documentation showing that all water heaters over 13 years of age have been replaced and the age of the current water heater.
2. All owners are required to furnish documentation that washing machine hoses are of the stainless steel reinforced type.
3. All owners are required to furnish documentation that rigid toilet supply lines have been replaced with flexible, stainless steel reinforced hoses.
4. Units vacant for more than 30 days must have a monthly inspection conducted to insure there is adequate heat to prevent freeze-ups and to check for water leaks. Owners are responsible for these inspections.
When these conditions are met Southbrook insurance will pay for 75% of the damage and the owner will pay 25%.
5. It is advised that all units that have gas service contact Montana Power to have their meter identified with their unit number.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted December 28, 2016
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. The roll was called by Board Member Brian LaMeres to determine if a quorum was present – with 27 proxies and 20 people present a quorum was met.
3. Minutes from the last Association meeting (November 12, 2015) were approved as written.
4. Property Manager’s Report - Presented by Gene Murray
A. Painting – next year only touchup painting will be done, creating a substantial savings- perhaps as much as $30,00 to $40,000. The usual 5 year painting cycle will begin in 2017.
B. The sprinkler system is working well with some problems due to the work Northwest Energy has been doing on the property.
The Board has determined that installing drip systems in the small planting areas in front of the buildings would add value and attractiveness to Southbrook. They will begin with 5 areas- especially the ones that owners have planted and maintained.
Sweetgrass Lawnscapes have done an excellent job of improving the planting areas around the buildings
C. Several were trees downed by the wind on the east side of Southbrook by the creek.
The City of Bozeman cleaned up the trees that fell in the street but there remains the issue of which property the trees were on, Southbrook or the Cowdrey apartments south of Southbrook, and who is responsible for the cleanup. The Board of Directors will meet with Gene to determine what course of action to take. Southbrook’s attorney, Brian Close presented several options.
D. Areas with weeds will be sprayed by our lawn vendors.
5. New Business
The Financial Report was given by Nancy Stetter and the Budget for 2016 was approved as written:
6. A few reminders:
a. If you notice building lights that are not working please call Nancy Stetter, 587-2334 or email,
b. Please see information below about the Risk Policy regarding insurance coverage for water damage in Southbrook, and check to see if your water heater, toilets, and washing machines meet the requirements for coverage:
1. All owners are required to furnish documentation showing that all water heaters over 13 years of age have been replaced and the age of the current water heater.
2. All owners are required to furnish documentation that washing machine hoses are of the stainless steel reinforced type.
3. All owners are required to furnish documentation that rigid toilet supply lines have been replaced with flexible, stainless steel reinforced hoses.
4. Units vacant for more than 30 days must have a monthly inspection conducted to insure there is adequate heat to prevent freeze-ups and to check for water leaks. Owners are responsible for these inspections.
When these conditions are met Southbrook insurance will pay for 75% of the damage and the owner 25%.
5. It is advised that all units that have gas service contact Montana Power to have their meter identified with their unit number.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted on June 24, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 12, 2015
1. Board Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. The roll was called by Board Member Brian LaMeres to determine if a quorum was present – with 37 proxies and 20 people present a quorum was met.
3. Minutes from the last Association meeting (December 8, 2014) were approved as written.
4. Property Manager’s Report - Presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management
A. Painting – next year only touchup painting will be done, creating a savings.
B. All items noted in the spring inspection tour have been completed.
C. The fall leaf cleanup was delayed due to weather.
D. Concrete work was done in some areas of sidewalks to repair places which could be a hazard.
E. The sprinkler system is in good shape and the Sweetgrass Lawnscapes personnel did an excellent job of improving the planting areas around the buildings.
F. The company we use for snow removal has been sold and we will use the new company.
5. Old Business
A. The proposal to add Absentee Ballot Policy to By-Laws was approved unanimously.
Action by written ballot: A. unless prohibited or limited by the covenants, declarations or bylaws, any action that the Association may take at any bi-annual or special meeting of members may be taken without a meeting if the Association delivers a written ballot to every member entitled to vote on the matter. B. A written ballot shall: 1.Set forth each proposed action. 2. Provide an opportunity to vote for or against each proposed action. C. Approval by written ballot pursuant to this section is valid only if both: 1.The number of votes cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorizing the action. 2. The number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes that would be required to approve the matter at a meeting at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of votes cast by ballot. D. All solicitations for votes by written ballot shall: 1. Indicate the number of responses needed to meet the quorum requirements. 2. State the percentage of approvals necessary to approve each matter other than election of directors. 3. Specify the time by which a ballot must be delivered to the Association in order to be counted E. Except as otherwise provided in the covenants, declarations and bylaws, a written ballot shall not be revoked.
C. The Financial Report was given by Nancy Stetter:
6. New business:
A. Bird Feeding – a discussion on reenacting a bird feeding ban during the summer months to control pigeon population brought several intense shares about this item. It was decided that no action would be taken except to ask that people not put out human food and keep the areas around their bird feeders in a clean manner so that other creatures (i.e. squirrels, raccoons, and skunks) will not be attracted to the area.
B. Exterior Lighting - Dan McGuire has “officially” retired from replacing the exterior light bulbs throughout the complex. The Board thanks Dan for his service these last few years. If you notice bulbs that are not working please call Nancy Stetter, 587-2334 or email,
C. A reminder about the Risk Policy regarding insurance coverage for water damage in Southbrook:
1. All owners are required to furnish documentation showing that all water heaters over 13 years of age have been replaced and the age of the current water heater.
2. All owners are required to furnish documentation that washing machine hoses are of the stainless steel reinforced type.
3. All owners are required to furnish documentation that rigid toilet supply lines have been replaced with flexible, stainless steel reinforced hoses.
4. Units vacant for more than 30 days must have a monthly inspection conducted to insure there is adequate heat to prevent freeze-ups and to check for water leaks. Owners are responsible for these inspections.
When these conditions are met Southbrook insurance will pay for 75% of the damage and the owner 25%.
5. It is advised that all units that have gas service contact Montana Power to have their meter identified with their unit number
6. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully Submitted on November 23, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 8, 2014
1. Call Meeting to Order
Board Chairman, Kevin Bute, called to order the regular meeting of the Southbrook Condo Association at 6:05 pm on Monday, December 8th, 2014 in the Community Meeting Room of the Gallatin County Detention Center.
2. Roll Call
Board Member, Matt Henningsen, called the roll to determine if a quorum (44) was present. With 24 members present and 26 proxies representing non-present members (50) a quorum was met.
3. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of Association Meeting on September 29, 2014 were approved.
4. Property Manager’s Report
Gene Murray gave an overall report regarding:
a. Painting schedule
b. Grass mowing contract
c. Herbicide contractor Bart May is contracted to provide services for 2015
d. Sweetgrass Landscapes has been retained for 2015
e. John Cada will continue to plow the snow in 2014/2015
f. Landscape improvements will be considered in 2015
g. Tree maintenance – no pine beetle treatments needed this year – some trimming may be needed as the trees become taller and larger. Washed rock was placed around some of the pine trees bases.
Some concerns were expressed regarding snow removal not being done in a timely fashion or as well as one would expect. Other questions regarding:
a. Painting garage doors
b. Pigeons, birds in general, it is illegal to feed wild animals including birds
c. Leaf cleanup not completed due to heavy snow earlier than usual
Gene addressed the concerns and assured the membership that he would follow up on the complaints/concerns.
5. General Discussion
a. There were some questions regarding the funds for the special assessment for new streets. As of the day of the meeting there was $13,150.00 for the street fund in a savings account in First Security Bank.
b. There were questions about the new leasing policy which will go into effect in January of 2015.
6. Financial Report
7. Proposal for Mail-in-Ballots
It was moved and seconded that a vote be taken at the next Membership Meeting on a Bylaw change to allow direct voting by mail which would replace the proxy provision as now required.
Matt Henningsen related that another Condo Association had solved their problem of low attendance by holding a drawing in which each person who personally attended the meeting was eligible for a year’s free dues.
8. Adjournment
Chairman, Kevin Bute, adjourned the meeting at 7:05 pm.
Monday, September 29, 2014
1. Chairman Kevin Bute called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
2. Resident Manager Nancy Stetter called the roll to determine if a quorum was present. With a total of 69 units represented (41 proxies and 28 owners present) a quorum was verified.
3. Kevin read the Leasing Proposal (see below) and asked for a motion to open discussion. A motion was made and seconded and the discussion was open.
No more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the units of Southbrook Condominium Association may be leased at any given time to a Third Party. Any Owner engaged in leasing or subleasing activities as of the date of this Amendment shall be allowed to continue leasing or subleasing activities until said Unit is sold or conveyed to a Third Party. Any Unit Owner engaged in leasing or subleasing activity must, upon the sale or conveyance of said Unit, notify any potential buyer or person taking title that no more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the Units of Southbrook Condominium Association may be leased at any given time to a Third Party. For the purpose of this provision, “Third Party” shall be defined as any person who is not an Owner as that term is defined in the Declarations. All lease agreements must be submitted to the Board of Directors prior to execution by the Owner. Owners shall also submit a “Unit Rental Agreement” to the Board of Directors for each tenant/lease (Document # 2361577) no less than thirty (30) days prior to executing or extending a lease. Additionally, if an Owner fails to provide the “Unit Rental Agreement” to the Board of Directors as outlined above, the Board may impose reasonable monetary penalties according to the By-Law Violation Policy (Document #2188220).No owner may lease a Unit for fewer than twelve (12) months. Owners may apply for a hearing before the Board for temporary or special variances in case of hardship. Permission to lease will be granted at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.
4. The discussion period was quite lively and lasted until 7:25 p.m.
Main points of discussion were:
a. What was the rationale for the proposal?
b. How would a waiting list to rent one’s property be managed?
c. Could an owner with a renter at the present time continue to rent?
d. What was the rationale for a 12 month lease?
e. Could a renter continue to rent month-to-month after a 12 month lease expired?
f. How would many more rentals affect the quality of life in Southbrook?
g. How would many more rentals affect financing options and insurance rates.
h. Hardship cases would be considered by the Board.
5. It was determined to take a vote. A motion was made and seconded and a vote was taken. The total votes against the proposal were 11, votes in favor of the proposal were 58. The motion was passed with the knowledge that the policy will be improved (rectified) within a year of going into effect. There were 28 owners present and 41 proxies.
6. Chairman Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Minutes for June 16, 2014
1. Call Meeting to Order
Board Chairman, Kevin Bute, called to order the regular meeting of the Southbrook Condo Association at 6:05 pm on June 16, 2014 in the Community Meeting Room of the Gallatin County Detention Center.
2. Roll Call
Board Member, Joe Manlove, called the roll to determine if a quorum (44) was present. With 16 members present and 30 proxies representing non-present members a quorum of was met.
3. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 10th, 2013 and February 3rd, 2014 were approved.
4. Property Manager’s Report
5. Old Business
a. The amendment to the Bylaws below was passed with 4 members dissenting.
Violation of By-laws and/or Policies: Unit owners in violation of Southbrook Condo Association By-laws and Policies can have fines levied against them by the Board of Directors. A first time violator will receive written notice of the violation. The second offense will result in a fine or $50, the third $75, the fourth $100, and so forth. Fines not paid within 90 days of assessment will result in a lien being placed on the unit. Unit owners are responsible for violations incurred by their renters at a rate 50% higher ($75, $112.5, $150, and so forth).
6. Financial Report
7. Leasing Policy Proposal
A proposed policy to limit rentals in Southbrook, as described in a mailing to all owners, created a lively discussion. The majority of the members present were in favor of the policy and a few were not, citing the possible loss of property values if passed. Gene Murray gave a description of several condo associations in Bozeman who have passed such measures because of the general opinion that rentals over a certain percentage (30%) actually depresses property values. It was agreed that a special meeting to vote on this issue needs to be called very soon since the actual percentage of rentals in Southbrook is approaching 40%, with 2 units on the market now. The Board will determine the date, time and place of said meeting.
8. Adjournment
Chairman, Kevin Bute, adjourned the meeting at 7:05 pm.
VI. New business
Meeting Minutes for February 3, 2014
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chairman Kevin Bute called to order a special meeting of the Southbrook Condominium Association at 6 pm on February 3, 2014 in the meeting room of the Gallatin County Detention Center in order to conduct business that was unfinished at the meeting on December 10, 2013 due to lack of a quorum.
2. Roll Call
Board Secretary Joe Manlove called the roll to determine if a quorum was present. 54 members and/or proxies were present so the Association was able to conduct business.
3. Approval of minutes from last meeting (June 19, 2013)
The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Property Manager’s Report
Presented by Gene Murray of Murray Management
The following report summarizes the major activities and items handled by the Association Manager since the last general association meeting.
The 2013 painting schedule included units 39-46, 47-54, and 81-88. Necessary siding repair/replacement was performed prior to the commencement of painting. My recommendation is to engage Champion Painting of Bozeman for the 2014 contract which includes units 1 – 8 , 9 -16, and 17 &18.
John Cada, ( JD’s Enterprises ) provided snow removal services for Southbrook the past four snow seasons This contractor has provided quality service for the association during this time and as a result the BOD has agreed to a new two year contract with him.
No major repairs were made in 2013. As discussed last year, the BOD has engaged the services of an engineering company to assess the structural integrity of the interior streets. This evaluation will give the association the necessary information to make timely replacement plans .
Evergreen Lawn Maintenance completed the second year of their most recent two year contract with the association at the end of 2012. The costs for the last four years has remained constant and this contractor has improved the level of service. As a result , the BOD and this contractor entered into a new two agreement for 2013 – 2014 . Costs will remain the same for both years. . The shrub pruning portion of this contract was shifted to another vendor, with very positive results, and will continue in 2014.
Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape provided the fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2013, and will also be doing this work in 2014.
A number of trees will be pruned this winter, including aspens, scotch pines , and apples. We are monitoring pine beetle activity within our urban forest to determine if pheromone packets need to be used in 2014.
The irrigation system was winterized in early October after a season with minor repairs and adjustments. Both pumps are working properly and required no maintenance this past year .When this system is activated next spring , electrical/mechanical systems will be checked, as well as coverage patterns for specific zones.
The 2013 chimney inspection was once again performed by Silva Masonry of Bozeman . Necessary caulking and minor repairs were done when the inspection was taking place. Silva indicated that about several crowns will need further attention in 2014.
Gutters were cleaned, replaced, and repaired this past year. A number of fences were also replaced or repaired.
Responded to many requests from homeowners regarding building repairs
Responded to requests from Chairman Kevin Bute and Resident Manager Nancy Stetter, regarding building repairs, irrigation concerns and many other miscellaneous items.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene R. Murray, Property Manager
5. Old Business
A. Proposal to amend Association Fee Policy to By-laws:
Association fees are $125.00 per month, due the first of each month and are considered delinquent after the 15th of each month effective January 1, 2014. Delinquent fees shall be assessed a penalty of $25.00 for each month of delinquency. Upon 90 days of delinquency of these monthly fees, a lien shall be filed against that unit. Hardship cases may apply to the Board of Directors for consideration of leniency on an individual basis. An additional $100.00 fee is assessed for the month of entrance into the Association; this fee is refundable when the unit is sold.
B. Financial Report:
C. Street Improvement Assessment Funding Options
6. New business
A. Board of Director Open Vacancy filled under paragraph VII
Joe Manlove (Unit 22) will serve the unexpired term.
B. Proposal to amend Violation Policy to By-laws:
Violation of By-laws and/or Policies: Unit owners in violation of Southbrook Condo Association By-laws and Policies can have fines levied against them by the Board of Directors. A first time violator will receive written notice of the violation. The second offense will result in a fine or $50, the third $75, the fourth $100, and so forth. Fines not paid within 90 days of assessment will result in a lien being placed on the unit. Unit owners are responsible for violations incurred by their renters at a rate 50% higher ($75, $112.5, 150$, and so forth).
After much discussion it was decided to delay the starting date of the special assessment to June 1, 2014. The proposal was passed with one proxy voting no. The ending date of this assessment will be sometime in 2019. The funds will be held in a separate savings account.
7. Adjournment
Chairman Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7 pm.
Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2013
1. Call meeting to order
Board Chairman Kevin Bute called to order the regular meeting of the Southbrook Condominium Association at 6:30 p.m. on June 24th, 2013 in the meeting room of the Gallatin County Detention Center.
2. Roll call
Resident Manager Nancy Stetter called the role to determine if quorum was present. 20 proxies had been received and 26 members were present. With 46 units represented a quorum was met.
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the December 5th, 2012 meeting were approved as mailed.
4. Association Manager’s Report:
The following report summarizes the major activities and items handled by the Association Manager since the last general association meeting:
The 2013 painting schedule calls for the completion of units 39-46 ,47-54, and 81-88. Necessary siding in the aforementioned units has been replaced/repaired in preparation for this project. This will be the third year that Champion Painting has been on board and hopefully we can reach an agreement with this company to finish out our current five year cycle.
John Cada ( JD’s Enterprises ) again provided snow removal services this past winter. This contractor continues to provide quality service for Southbrook and has expressed interest in continuing snow removal services for 2013-14. It is my recommendation to engage this contractor for the coming snow season.
The Board of Directors and myself are continuing to investigate strategies to evaluate the structural condition of our interior streets and to determine a reasonable timeline for replacement of same. In addition , projected costs of replacing curbs and streets have been investigated.
Board members Kevin Bute and Brian LaMeres,, along with Nancy Stetter and myself participated in our annual Inspection Tour this Spring. Building, landscaping, and general infrastructure needs were identified and will be addressed as the budget allows . Some of these items have already been completed, with the remaining to be completed in the near future.
The Association is in the first year of a new two-year agreement with our current lawn contractor, Evergreen Lawn Maintenance. By the time this contract expires at the end of the 2014 season, the price for these services will have remained constant for six consecutive years.
Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape will again be providing two fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2013 . This line item continues to increase because of fertilizer costs.
A number of trees were pruned this past winter, including apple trees, scotch pines, aspens, and also a few trees which needed dead-wooding. Scotch pines will again be treated (in 2013) with two applications of pheromone packets.
High winds this spring brought down a few trees , one of which was a sizable cottonwood at unit 51. The spring inspection tour revealed the need for pruning some trees and shrubs in the interior areas. This work will be done in the next 60 days.
Shrub pruning will be done by Sweetgrass Lawnscapes, the same company which provided these services last year.
The irrigation system was started in May 2013, with some minor issues noted and corrected .It is anticipated there will a need for ongoing maintenance , as usual, in this category.
The 2013 chimney inspection is scheduled for early summer and will once again be provided by Silva Masonry. It is anticipated that some chimneys will be in need of repair and those repairs will be handled by Silva. Also, any chimney which needs to be cleaned is the responsibility of the homeowner.
Units that were scheduled to be painted were inspected for necessary siding repair/replacement and this work has been completed. Gutters are being cleaned and/or repaired on a regular basis; including the addition of concrete splashblocks and extensions. A number of fence posts and privacy fences will be repaired during this maintenance season.
Responded to many requests from homeowners and the BOD regarding building repairs and various maintenance items
Attended Board Meetings and Semi-Annual Association Meetings
Respectfully submitted,
Gene R. Murray
Asssociation Manager
5. Old Business
a. Dryer Vent Cleaning will be offered again. Gene Murray will check into the vendor and the price. A separate mailing will be sent out advising owners of the cost and procedure.
b. Financial Report
c. Gene Murray gave an update on the street project scheduled to begin in the next two years.
6. New Business
a. A discussion ensued regarding possibly changing the insurance payment from a yearly lump sum to a monthly payment. Several owners had inquired about this possibility. Although this decision could be made by the Board a straw vote was held with the majority voting to keep the payment in a one-time lump sum. The insurance payment will continue to be billed annually. In May, 2013 the Board decided to cancel our policy with Traveler’s Insurance Company. HUB International and QBE are now the providers for our commercial insurance policy.
b. Kevin Bute, Chairman, noted that the budget for 2013 is out-of-balance, requiring raising the dues. After a brief discussion it was moved and seconded and passed unanimously to propose raising the dues to $125 a month in the fall meeting. A vote will be taken at that time.
c. It was moved and seconded to approve the 2013 budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
7. Adjournment
Chairman Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Meeting Minutes for December 5, 2012
I. Call to Order
Board Chairman Kevin Bute called to order the regular meeting of the Southbrook Condo Association at 6:35 p.m. on December 5, 2012 in the Meeting Room of the Gallatin County Detention Center.
II. Roll Call
Jon Shafer, Secretary of the Board, conducted a roll call. There were 50 of 88 owners represented by 30 proxies and 20 unit owners at the meeting. With over 50% of the membership present a quorum was present.
III. Approval of Minutes from the last meeting on June 4, 2012
The minutes were approved as submitted.
The following report summarizes the major activities and items handled by the Association Manager, Gene Murray, since the last general association meeting.
PAINTING:The 2012 painting schedule included units 19-26, 27-30, and 31-38. In addition, the East sides of units 55 & 63 were also painted. Necessary siding repair/replacement was performed prior to the commencement of painting. My recommendation is to engage Champion Painting of Bozeman for the 2013 contract which includes units 39-46, 47-54, and 81-88.
John Cada, (JD’s Enterprises) provided snow removal services for Southbrook the past three snow seasons This contractor has provided quality service for the association during this time and as a result the BOD has agreed to a new one year contract with him .The cost for these services for 2012-13 have increased somewhat from last year.
STREET MAINTENANCE:No major repairs were made in 2012. As discussed last year, the BOD has engaged the services of an engineering company to assess the structural integrity of the interior streets . This evaluation will give the association the necessary information to make timely replacement plans.
GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: Evergreen Lawn Maintenance completed the second year of their most recent two year contract with the association. The costs for the last four years have remained constant and this contractor has improved the level of service. I recommend a new two year agreement with Evergreen beginning in 2013. The shrub pruning portion of this contract was shifted to another vendor, with very positive results, and will continue in 2013. Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape provided the fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2012, and will also be doing this work in 2013.
TREES A number of trees will be pruned this winter, including aspens, scotch pines, and apples. We are monitoring pine beetle activity within our urban forest to determine if pheromone packets need to be used in 2013.
IRRIGATION & SPRINKLER SYSTEM:The irrigation system was winterized in late September after a season with minor repairs and adjustments. Both pumps are working properly and required no maintenance this past year .When this system is activated next spring, electrical/mechanical systems will be checked, as well as coverage patterns for specific zones.
The 2012 chimney inspection was once again performed by Silva Masonry of Bozeman. Necessary caulking and minor repairs were done when the inspection was taking place. Silva indicated that about several crowns will need further attention in 2013.
BUILDING REPAIRS Gutters were cleaned, replaced, and repaired this past year. A number of fences were also replaced or repaired. Concrete replacement was completed at units 33,34,and 71 and six sections of perimeter sidewalk was replaced on South 23rd.
SPRING INSPECTION TOUR The spring inspection tour was held on May 12th,2012. Items on this list were addressed in 2012 as well as many other.
Responded to many requests from homeowners regarding building repairs
Responded to requests from Board Chairman Kevin Bute and CFO Nancy Stetter regarding building repairs, irrigation concerns and many other miscellaneous items.
Respectfully submitted,
Gene R. Murray, Association Property Manager
V. Old Business
a. Radon Mitigation Policy: The final radon mitigation policy was motioned and passed with the following change in red:
"As it relates to the Southbrook Condominium Association involvement, the Southbrook Board will only need to be contacted to approve location of the mitigation system prior to installation, since it would affect the exterior appearance or structural components of the building."
b. Financial Report
Submitted by Nancy Stetter, Financial Officer and Resident Manager
Members commented that this is about $60,000 less than last year, partly due to the Condo Association paying for the Commercial Insurance as well as timing on how the hail damage income was received and disbursed.
c. Street Improvements: The Board is awaiting an engineering report for the cost estimates of improvements as well as the current assessment of existing street and parking spots and will distribute it to the association members. The members would like to be billed in the monthly dues to prepare for improvements than to be billed a special assessment fee.
VI. New Business
a. Speeding - Recently a pet was killed believed to be due to a speeding driver who lived in the the Condo Association. Since the city has put a street median on College Street more drivers are cutting through the Southbrook Association. An option may be to install "slow down" signs shaped as a small child. Also speed bumps were discussed (approximately $400 each to install); however, speed bumps will not be further investigated due to snow removal and drainage issues. The members decided it is best to confront speeding individuals on a case by case basis. If this becomes a larger issue speed bumps will be further investigated.
b. Water Usage Report
Jon Shafer presented the water usage report which stated $22 of every $100 of dues per month is allocted to pay the water bill. He gave a few options to homeowners to install water efficient items including low flow toilets with a City of Bozeman rebate, faucet aerators, energy star appliances, etc. It was also noted that it is difficult to bill as there may be 1 person living in a home vs. 4 people living in a home. A member suggested to bill on a person by person basis or charge an extra fee for condo units over 2 persons. It will continued to be an awareness campaign and will be re-addressed if needed.
c. Dryer Vent Cleaning
The Board will put together a letter to inform owners that the dryer vent cleaning can be completed at a reduced rate if there are 10-15 people that sign up. Although dryer vent cleaning doesn't need to be completed yearly, it may be useful for the individuals who didn't complete it last year.
d. Annual Meetings
The Board suggested that we may be able to get more meeting attendance if we hold one annual meeting instead of two. The members determined that two meetings gave a community feel and they felt that one meeting would not necessarily bring in more owners. Also, they enjoy being part of the discussion and having a say in how Southbrook is operated.
e. Insurance
The insurance policy increased $4,500 or about 14-15% more than last year. The Board will get several insurance costs from other vendors (3-5) quotes. This should be completed on a yearly basis.
f. Newsletter
A condo owner suggested a newsletter be delivered quarterly or bi-annually. This may help make renters more aware of the policies and resources. Currently Nancy is physically introducing herself to these community members and informing them of the available resources. It was determined this is the best method of informing new owners of the available resources.
VII Adjournment
Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jon Shafer, Secretary
I. Call to order
Kevin Bute called to order the regular meeting of the Southbrook Condominium Association at 6:35 p.m. on June 4th 2012 in Gallatin County Detention Center Meeting Room.
II. Roll call
Jon Shafer conducted a roll call. There were 45 of 88 condos represented by 27 proxies and 18 owners at the meeting. With over 50% of the membership, a quorum was present.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
The minutes were approved as mailed.
IV. Property Manager's Report
Gene Murray presented the manager's report. All items and action plan were accepted as read.
The following report summarizes the major activities and items handled by the Association Manager since the last general association meeting.
PAINTING:.The 2012 painting schedule calls for the completion of units 19-26, 27-30, and 31-38. In addition, the East sides of units 55 and 63 will also be painted this summer. Necessary siding in the aforementioned units has been replaced/repaired in preparation for this project.
John Cada (JD’s Enterprises ) again provided snow removal services this past winter. This contractor continues to provide quality service for Southbrook and has expressed interest in continuing snow removal services for 2012-13. It is my recommendation to engage this contractor for the coming snow season.
STREET MAINTENANCE : The Board of Directors and myself are investigating strategies to evaluate the structural condition of our interior streets and to determine a reasonable timeline for replacement of same. In addition, projected costs of replacing curbs and streets will be investigated.
SPRING INSPECTION TOUR: Board members Kevin, Brian, and Jon, along with Nancy and myself participated in our annual Inspection Tour on May 12, 2012. Building, landscaping, and general infrastructure needs were identified and will be addressed as the budget allows. Some of these items have already been completed, with the remaining to be completed in the near future.
The Association is in the second year of a two-year agreement with our current lawn contractor, Evergreen Lawn Maintenance. The amount of this contract has remained constant for four consecutive years. Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape will again be providing two fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2012.
A number of trees were pruned this past winter, including apple trees, scotch pines, aspens, and also a few trees which needed dead-wooding. Scotch pines will again be treated (in 2012) with two applications of pheromone packets.
A number of aspens were removed and/or trimmed along the east side creek area. The spring inspection tour revealed the need for pruning some larger trees along the street as well as some trees and shrubs in the interior areas. This work will be done in the next 60 days.
The irrigation system was started in May 2012. Some minor issues will need to be addressed soon.
The 2012 chimney inspection is scheduled for early summer and will be provided by Silva Masonry. It is anticipated that some chimneys will be in need of repair and those repairs will be handled by Silva.
Units that were scheduled to be painted were inspected for necessary siding repair/replacement and this work has been completed. Gutters are being cleaned and/or repaired on a regular basis; including the addition of concrete splashblocks and extensions. A number of fence posts and privacy fences will be repaired during this maintenance season.
Responded to many requests from homeowners and the BOD regarding building repairs and various maintenance items
Attended Board Meetings and Semi-Annual Association Meetings
V. Old Business
a) BOD Mid-Term Replacement: Brian LaMeres (Unit 43) to replace Laramie Gustafson (Unit 42).
b) Financial Report: Nancy Stetter presented the financial report:
a) 2012 Fiscal Budget:
Kevin Bute presented the 2012 fiscal budget. The 2012 budget was voted on and approved by the members of SouthBrook Condo Association.
b) Flood Insurance:
Jennifer Buchanan from Western States Insurance Agency brought flood insurance to the attention of Southbrook Condominium Association. Each unit in Southbrook is in flood zone "D," which is considered an undetermined zone, meaning this is a mapped area but they (FEMA) have not completed any studies to determine the likelihood of flooding. Although it is not required to have flood insurance, it is another layer of disaster protection.
c) To be covered, the Association would need to purchase a flood insurance policy at a cost of $4,343 per 4 units that covers the exterior of the buildings for $700,000 of coverage. Each individual homeowner would need to purchase flood insurance for the interior of their units for $1359.00 for $50,000 of coverage. A helpful website to learn more about flood insurance is discussion was held on personal policies which should be around $200.00 per year. A great website to keep track of your belongings for insurance reimbursement is•d.
d) Proposal To Remove Paint From Curb:
It was commented to wait on removing the paint from the curbs as the parking lot, curbs, and gutters may possibly be replaced in the next three years. An Association member suggested restriping parking lanes. Gene mentioned that the parking lot striping should cost around $400.00, and the BOD will review the request.
e) Proposal to add the following Radon Policy to the By-laws:
The association voted and approved the corrected wording of the Radon Policy. At the next meeting, the Radon Policy will be presented as an amendment to our bylaws.
f) Acknowledgement- Lisa Reichelt
Nancy Stetter acknowledged Lisa Reichelt who, with her husband, owns unit #17. Lisa volunteered to clean up and tear out the old dead plants around the Southbrook sign on Dickerson Street and then replanted the area which now looks very lovely. Her work has improved the appearance of the entrance greatly. THANK YOU from all of us, Lisa.
VII. Adjournment
Kevin Bute adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.
Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2011
The Southbrook Condo Association met on November 9, 2011 at the Gallatin County Detention Center on the grounds of the Law and Justice Center in Bozeman, MT.
The meeting was called to order by Kevin Bute at approximately 6:30 PM. Jon Shafer called the roll with a quorum of 51 units represented (24 present/27 proxy).
Board Members and Managers Present:
BOD Members: Kevin Bute, Chairman, Matt Henningsen, Vice-Chairman, Jon Shafer-Secretary
Gene Murray, Property Manager
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
The BOD was able to conduct business at this time because a quorum was represented.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes of the Association meeting on 6/8/11. The Minutes were approved with one minor correction.
Property Manager’s and Chairman’s Report:
PAINTING: Champion Painting of Bozeman, Montana has completed painting of units 55-70 & 71-80 per contract. The 2012 painting schedule calls for the completion of units 19-26, 27-30, and 31-38. Necessary siding repair/replacement will be performed prior to the commencement of painting.
SNOW REMOVAL: John Cada (JD’s Enterprises) was awarded the contract for 2012. The BOD has approved an additional $50.00 per time for all sidewalks to be shoveled in correspondence with the city sidewalks. Otherwise JD’s Enterprises’ fees have remained the same as 2011.
STREET MAINTENANCE: No major repairs were made in 2011. We will probably need to rout and seal some cracks in 2012, and perhaps patch a few areas as well. The Association will need to look ahead for the eventual re-surfacing of the interior streets and possibly curbs.
GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: The Association is in the second year of a two-year contract Evergreen Lawn Maintenance. The amount of this contract for 2012 remains the same as 2011. Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape will be providing the fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2012.
TREES: A number of trees were pruned this winter, including apple, scotch pine, spruce, and aspens. The Association approved the pheromone packets to be applied on pine trees in 2012.
IRRIGATION & SPRINKLER SYSTEM: The irrigation system was winterized in late September after a season with minor repairs and adjustments. Both pumps are working properly and required no maintenance this past year.
CHIMNEY INSPECTIONS: The 2011 chimney inspection was once again performed by Silva Masonry of Bozeman. Necessary caulking and minor repairs were done when the inspection was taking place. Silva indicated that about a dozen crowns will need further attention in 2012.
BUILDING REPAIR: Units that were scheduled to be painted were inspected for necessary siding repair/replacement. This work was accomplished prior to the performance of the painting contract. Gutters are being cleaned and/or repaired on a regular basis; including the addition of concrete splashblocks and extensions. A number of fences were repaired as well.
· Gene Murray responded to many requests from homeowners regarding building repairs and various maintenance items, and attended all Board meetings and semi-annual Association meetings.
· 54 owners had their dryer vents cleaned. Some suggested we have this service available every year.
Old Business:
Resident Manager Report:
Current Assets – $107,870.72 in savings + First Security CD of $8,857.23 + Stockman Bank CD of $142,357.16 + First Security checking of $2844.37 for a total of $261,929.48.
The Association approved the following BOD Members
Kevin Bute (Chairman)
Matt Henningsen (Vice-Chairman)
Jon Shafer (Secretary)
2011 Insurance Payment
All hail damage repair work is completed and the Association has been fully reimbursed by Travelers Insurance Company. The total dues paid for 2011 will be $94,680. That amount is $9,957 profit over and above our expenses at this date. The insurance payments this year total $29,974 for a net profit of $39,932 at this date. The Resident Manager, Nancy Stetter, recommended that Southbrook Condo Association pay for the commercial insurance this year. The BOD approved the recommendation and Nancy has paid the commercial insurance for 2012 totaling $26,035. Added to the reduction in dues of $20 per month beginning in January of 2011 the owners of each unit saved $535.85 this year.
The Association approved to add the following BBQ amendment to the By-laws:
Charcoal-fired grills, portable fire pits or similar devices used for cooking, heating, or any other purpose are not to be used, kept or displayed on decks or patios at Southbrook. Gas-fired grills and electric grills are allowed. A fire extinguisher must be on hand during grill use. Grills must not be left unattended while in operation.
Street/Curb Replacement :
The bid from Blasting Technology to remove the yellow paint off curbs totaled $2700. The BOD decided to revaluate paint removal after the snow season.
The Association began early discussion of street and curbs replacement and decided that the current street will last another 4-6 years with minimal maintenance; however, the Association needs to start preparing for these major improvement and will reevaluate the situation in the spring.
Other Items:
All outdoor light bulbs have been switch to energy CFLs thanks to Dan McGuire. The BOD approved a gift card to the Gallatin Valley Mall for Dan to show our appreciation for his volunteer work keeping the SouthBrook grounds brightly lit.
New Business:
To be discussed at next bi-annual meeting
Submitted by: Jon Shafer, Secretary
Meeting Minutes of June 8, 2011
The Southbrook Condo Association met on June 8, 2011 at 6:30PM at the Gallatin Valley Detention Center. The meeting was called to order by Kevin Bute at approximately 6:30PM. Laramie Gustafson called the roll with 34 units represented (22 present/12 proxy).
BOD Members Present: Kevin Bute, Secretary, Laramie Gustafson, Treasurer
The BOD was unable to conduct business at this time because a quorum was not represented. As a result business was conducted via mail-in ballot on June 29, 2011.
Meeting minutes were approved for November 7, 2010 by mail-in ballot.
Manager’s and President’s Report;
PAINTING: The painting contract was put out to bid early in 2011, with three contractors responding. After consideration of qualifications, experience and site preparation, the contract was awarded to Champion Painting of Bozeman, Montana. The 2011 painting schedule calls for the completion of units 55-70 and 71-80. All of the siding in the aforementioned units has been replaced/repaired in preparation for the painting to be done later this summer.
SNOW REMOVAL: John Cada (JD’s Enterprises ) provided snow removal services this past winter. This contractor continued to provide quality service for Southbrook. This contractor has expressed interest in continuing snow removal services for 2011-12. It is my recommendation to engage this contractor for the coming snow season.
STREET MAINTENANCE: During the 2009-2010 maintenance seasons, several hundred lineal feet of cracks were routed and sealed, and areas were saw-cut and repaved. In addition, 10-mile per hour stencils were painted at the entryways last year. It is anticipated that only minor repairs will need to be made this year.
SPRING INSPECTION TOUR: Board members Kevin Bute, Laramie Gustafson and I participated in an Inspection Tour on April 18, 2011 identifying building, landscaping, and general infrastructure needs. Some of these items have already been completed, with the remaining to be addressed in the near future.
GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: The Association has just entered into a new two-year agreement with our current lawn contractor, Evergreen Lawn Maintenance. The amount of this contract has remained constant for four consecutive years. Aspen Meadows Lawn and Landscape will be providing the fertilizer/herbicide applications in 2011. We have budgeted for two applications.
TREES: A number of trees were pruned this past winter, including apple trees, scotch pines, aspens, and also a few trees which needed dead-wooding. Scotch pines will again be treated (in 2011) with two applications of pheromone packets. A number of aspens were removed and/or trimmed along the east side creek area. The spring inspection tour revealed the need for pruning some larger trees along the street as well as some trees and shrubs in the interior areas. This work will be done in the next 60 days.
IRRIGATION & SPRINKLER SYSTEM: The irrigation system was started in early June. Some minor issues will need to be addressed soon.
CHIMNEY INSPECTIONS: The 2011 chimney inspection is scheduled for early summer and will be provided by Silva Masonry. It is anticipated that some chimneys will be in need of repair and those repairs will be handled by Silva.
BUILDING REPAIR: Units that were scheduled to be painted were inspected for necessary siding repair/replacement. This work has been completed. Gutters are being cleaned and/or repaired on a regular basis; including the addition of concrete splashblocks and extensions. A number of fence posts and privacy fences will be repaired during this maintenance season.
ROOFING: The roofing project is completed.
INSURANCE: As of today’s meeting, we have one garage door to be repaired; gutter repair/replacement to be completed; and some minor siding repair yet to be done. Upon completion of the garage door repair, an already approved supplemental request for reimbursement will be submitted for skylights, window glass and garage doors.
Responded to many requests from homeowners regarding building repairs and various maintenance items
Attended all Board Meetings and Semi-Annual Association Meetings
Old Business:
Financial Officer Report
Proposal to add the following parking policy to the By-law: Approved revised policy amendment as written into the by-laws by mail-in ballot No more than two vehicles per unit are to be parked in the complex. Units with two vehicles are required to park at least one vehicle in their garage or on the pad in front of the garage. Motorcycles and motor scooters are considered vehicles and may be allowed as a third vehicle per unit as long as they are parked in the garage. Only vehicles owned by residents are to be parked in the complex on a regular basis. Disabled vehicles (flat tires, wrecks, etc.) may only be parked in the complex for a period not to exceed 48 hours. No curbside parking is allowed. Recreational vehicles (motor homes, boats, trailers) may be parked in the complex for a period not to exceed 48 hours. Bicycles are to be stored in garages and are not allowed on decks, landings, stairways or other common areas. All motorized vehicles owned by Southbrook residents must be registered with the Board of Directors.
Proposal to add the following BOD term amendment to By-laws:Article VII:Approved revised policy amendment as written into the by-laws by mail-in ballotOfficers of the Board of Directors“…who shall all serve for a term of two (2) years…”
New Business: To be discussed at next bi-annual meeting in November of 2011.
Submitted by : Kevin Bute, Secretary