Board Minutes
Southbrook Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2024
The first order of business was to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting on May 6, 2024 and the special Board Meeting on June 11, 2024. Both sets of minutes were approved by unanimous approval.
Bob Davis made a temporary electronic copy of everyone’s driver’s license and completed the Register for BOIE.
Treasurer’s Report by Esther Fishbaugh
- Corrections to inconsistencies in QuickBooks Online (QBO), which had occurred when switching to the online system, have been made by board Secretary, Karen Boich.
- Esther requested the deletion of a check to Lewis and Clark Irrigation which had never been cashed.
- The QuickBooks records are now sufficiently clear so that Rudd and company can prepare the taxes for 2023. Clear instructions shall be prepared so that the records will be accurately maintained going forward.
- Property Manager’s Report by Bill Jones
- The tree limbs on top of chimneys are a fire danger and are scheduled to be trimmed.
- Painting on units 19-26 is in progress, with the preparatory scraping being carried out more thoroughly than in previous years.
- The balcony floor on unit #36 is done with Holy Rosary Church paying the bill.
- There was a lengthy discussion regarding who is responsible for repairing the decks and railings. Owners are responsible for the 3rd story decks. Southbrook is responsible for the railings.
- Bill reported the following expenses on projects that have been completed recently:
- #36 railing, cost $1,460.
- Patio fence repair #22 cost $1,936.
- #85 Ceiling repair $2,336.
- #71 Ceiling and railings $5,863.
- Four other projects currently in progress will cost about $11,050.
- The stairway in #27-30 is an immediate concern. Estimate the repair will cost between 15 and 20 thousand dollars.
- Chimneys needing to be cleaned will soon be identified and reported to owners; some chimney caps will be replaced and the cost will be charged to owners.
- About 10 big trees need to be cut down in the future; this work will be prioritized and spaced out so that the annual cost can be covered.
- Problems with squirrels or other pests entering buildings were discussed and determined that it is the owner’s responsibility to pay for services to remove them.
- The deck for #44 was discussed; an estimate for the cost of staining will be obtained.
- There was discussion regarding a possible fee increase for the monthly dues. It was moved by Esther and seconded by Jorie that the treasurer would work with the property manager to estimate the costs of upcoming necessary repairs to our aging buildings and come up with a suggested amount to increase the dues over the next few years. The motion passed unanimously.
- There was discussion about recruiting new candidates for the next Board elections. It was decided that a recruitment committee be appointed to carry out this task.
- There was discussion of record keeping. It was suggested that the Board look into renting a closet storage unit for the records that have been accumulated and stored with previous Board President Brian LaMeres. A record book should be maintained annually to include four sections: maintenance invoices, minutes of meetings, client lists of occupancy, and other incidental reports. The question as to the degree to which this could be electronic or hard copy was not decided.
The next Board meeting will be on November 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Jorie Hanson in unit #63.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m
Southbrook Board of Directors Meeting
June 11, 2024
Members present: Marjorie Hanson, Bob Davis, Esther FishbaughMeeting was called to order by the President at 4:10.The Board invited Karen Boich to fill the secretary position vacated by Emily Gonzalez' resignation on May 6, 2024. She accepted and joined the meeting.There was discussion around the topic of assisting with the integration of the bank records and QuickBooks records.Esther and Karen scheduled times to meet with Security Bank in order to record their signatures for cosigning checks and to meet with Rudd & Company to see how to proceed
with the integration of the two data bases.The meeting was adjourned at 4:50.Respectfully submitted,
Marjorie Hanson, President
Southbrook Board of Directors Meeting
May 6, 2024
The Board of Directors Meeting was held at the home of Jorie Hanson.
Present: Jorie Hanson, Bob Davis, Esther Fishbaugh, Bill Jones, Nancy Stetter
Jorie Hanson called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.
I. The first order of business was to approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting on February 19, 2024, which was approved by unanimous approval.
- The first order of business was about chimney cleaning. It has not been done yet because of snow.
- Nancy will notify owners whose chimneys need cleaning. She will give them a list of possible cleaners and set a deadline of October 1 to be completed. An invoice must be submitted to Nancy to show that the job has been done.
- Owners whose chimneys need capping will be billed when the capping is completed.
- The motion to approve the above was approved unanimously.
- The “puddling” in front of garages 81/82 will be repaired by the construction company who paved the road.
- The annual painting of the most needy portion of the complex will be done by a company from Denver in August.
- The broken sprinklers will be repaired.
- Trees which have been identified as ailing will be cut down, and the stumps will be ground down to be level.
- The #38 driveway, which has been damaged from tree roots pushing up the concrete, will be repaired and the sidewalk along 23rd Street will be repaired. The cost of $9,700 was unanimously approved.
- There is some broken fence behind units 62/63. Bill will consult with the neighboring property manager about sharing the cost.
- The 3rd floor deck railings at #36 and #57 will be repaired and the #44 deck will be painted.
- Bill Jones has hired a handyman to work with him doing these repairs.
- There was a lengthy discussion regarding gutter cleaning, repair, and gutter guards.
- The cost to clean and repair gutters and downspouts in #39 through #42 will be $3,587.
- Patio fences need to be repaired, especially by #39.
III. Treasurer, Esther Fishbaugh, reported that all the expenses have been within the Budget.
IV. There was discussion of the cost of water each month. Nancy will send the flyer from the City of Bozeman about how to check for water leaks in the toilet.
V. Vice President, Bob Davis, reported on his work regarding posting items like the parking violation form on the Southbrook website.
VI. Board Secretary Emily Gonzales has resigned from the Board of Directors.
The next Board meeting will be on August 26th at 6:00 pm at the home of Jorie Hanson (Unit 63)
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted May 11, 2024, by:
Nancy Stetter
Resident Manager
Southbrook Condo Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 19, 2024
Meeting opened at 6:10 with Bob Davis, Jorie Hanson, Esther Fishbaugh, and Nancy Stetter present.
Minutes of the 1/22/24 meeting were approved via email and posted on 1/30/24.
Nancy distributed Property Manager, Bill Jones' report, which all present read. It was noted that there are only about 10 3rd floor decks, most of which need new flooring.
Resident Manager, Nancy Stetter, reported that Unit 37 had sold and that 3 other units are currently on the market. One of the latter units is a rental unit, so when it sells, the next owner on the waiting list will be eligible to advertise his unit for rent. Nancy will report this status at the annual meeting, and go over the timeline for deciding to rent (30 days) and finalizing the rental agreement (90 days)
Most of the meeting was devoted to discussion of the budget draft distributed by Treasurer, Esther Fishbaugh. She has grouped budget items by category (e.g., "Building Maintenance," "Grounds Maintenance") making the actual and projected expenses quite understandable. The property manager's reports have made it very clear that the association needs to make progress on repairing the aging structures, and those efforts are reflected in the budget projections for 2024. The reserve fund has been adequately funded to satisfy the requirements of both the Condo Declarations and FHA loans.
Nancy will send out the announcement for the March 7 Annual Meeting on or before February 22. Esther will get a final copy of the budget to Board members for their approval, so that the budget can be sent to owners on Feb. 26, in accord with the requirements of the Condo declarations.
Old Business
- The BOI E-filing will take place at the next Board Meeting
- Breakdown of the water bill by building indicates excessive use in some buildings
- The Agenda for the March 7 Association Meeting is as follows:
- Minutes from the last meeting read and approved
- Property Manager Report, including rough indication of priorities and costs
- Resident Manager Report
- Treasurer presentation of the budget
- Discussion of the water bill and suggestion to check for possible toilet leaks
- Nomination and Election of officer
- New business?
- Move to adjourn
New Business
- It would seem wise to send owners the information form regarding names of residents and vehicle and pet information. Timing to be decided at the next Board Meeting
- Next meeting to be determined
Bob moved to adjourn, Esther seconded, and meeting was adjourned at 7:45.
Southbrook Condo Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 22, 2024
Present: Jorie, Nancy, Bob, Esther, Bill, and Emily
Meeting started at 6:07 p.m. Bill left at 6:55 p.m. Ended at 8:05 p.m.
Property Manager Report:
- Property Management fee increases to $900/month.
- Snow plowing is less than last year.
- Fertilizer and weed treatment was done in November.
- Paint contractor has been contacted. He will be here in July and could paint the specified areas within a few weeks. #37 had paint issues with the inspection. The Property Manager is requesting that the board review all of the buildings and prioritize buildings that need the most attention. Board members are to report back to the Property Manager as soon as possible.
- #47 is missing a downspout on the second story.
- Priority list made based on safety needs.
- Estimate of $3000 to fix pad at #38.
- Estimate of $7500 to sand down all elevated sidewalks along 23rd Street. The Property Manager will look into pricing of replacing the sidewalk completely.
- Estimate of $7500 for gutter work.
- All railings need to be brought up to code. Estimate for 2nd level replacement is $1K/per porch. Potential to reuse some of the materials, which will bring the cost down.
- Estimate for 3rd level deck flooring is $750/per deck. Approximately 20-30 decks.
- Estimate for painting deck $300/per deck.
- Patio fence material estimated cost is $970/per 6-7 foot section.
- Estimate for planting trees along 23rd is $750.
- Estimate for new shrubs in flower bed & replace rock in front of #12 & #13 is $1K.
- Chimney inspection done. Waiting for a report. In good shape. Could not get on the roof near detached garages. One wood burner there. About 2 others need cleaning.
- No update on the mice infestations. The Resident Manager will send an email to #37 to get an update on the mice infestation.
- No update on water pressure for #5.
- Resident Manager to inquire from our attorney who the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) are and why.
- The Resident Manager should check the Corporate Income Tax Form from Rudd signed by the President.
Resident Manager Report:
- Approximately 20 condos have not turned in their Risk Form. The Resident Manager will give the rest of the owners one more month and then access a fine.
- Concerned about water costs in #55 - #62. Resident Manager to draft email and President will review prior to issuing email for residents to check for leaky toilets.
- Resident Manager & Treasurer have met to discuss money.
Treasurer Report:
- Savings account $2007.01
- Reserve account $20142.08
- Treasurer proposes to move $4K from checking to Savings & $16K from checking to Reserve. Reserve account should have approximately $35,200 per the declarations on page 19. Treasurer moves to move $4K from checking to Savings & 16K from checking to Reserve. Secretary seconds and all vote in favor.
- Treasurer needs online permission for our quick books.
- Treasurer also needs access to the bank accounts. The President moves that the Treasurer have access to the bank accounts, the VP seconded and everyone voted in favor.
Old Business:
- Parking update - parking issue improved.
- Add parking?
- Treasurer proposes that the Resident Manager request from all condo residents update their vehicle, occupancy, and pet information. VP moves the form agreement, Treasurer seconds, and everyone approves.
New Business:
- Maintenance priorities & budget for 2024. Budget must be sent out 10 days prior to the next meeting for all residents. Treasurer will draft a budget for the board to review prior to sending out to all residents. 10 days prior to the HOA resident meeting is February 26th. Board needs to review the budget from the Treasurer by February 19th.
- Agenda for Association Meeting on March 7th - Minutes, Property Manager Report, Resident Manager Report, Treasurer Report + Budget, Old Business - Painting schedule & chimney inspection, and then New Business - sidewalks & decks & patio fences & downspouts & any other new business.
Next HOA Board Meeting: February 19th at 6 p.m. #63.
Southbrook Condo Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 4, 2023
Present: Bob, Nancy, Jorie, Esther, and Emily. Bill appeared by phone.
Meeting started at 6:03 p.m.
- Previous minutes approved via email 8/25/23
- Property Manager Report:
- Bill is doing a lot of the handyman and contractor work.
- Reviewed Property Manager Report - Esther moves that the Property Manager write up an estimate for contractor type work that he is considering doing himself for any estimates over $600 (materials & labor) for board approval before commencing the work. Board approves at 6:38 p.m.
- The Property Management is an LLC.
- Parking violations - board to put parking violation flyers on vehicles in violation. Report to Nancy if you issue a violation flyer.
- Mice infestation in 83 & 86. We should notify owners to look to ensure that their unit is clear of mice access. Board to decide on division of what HOA covers.
- Resident Manager report:
- Review of account balances. Reserve $20,133.53. Condominium $44,377.14.
- Condensed by-laws should be reviewed to be the same as listed online.
- Status of rentals - Bob moves that we change the policy of the board to be that, ‘an owner has 30 days after notification to decide if they would like to convert to a rental unit. After the initial notification that they may convert the unit they have 90 days to obtain a renter.’ Esther seconds the motion. Board in favor of policy change.
- Risk Control form - 21 out of 88 units have returned the form. The Resident Manager will send out a reminder to all units we have not received a form from.
- Old Business:
- #19 sidewalk repaired.
- Stumps - will be done in spring.
- Sidewalk estimate forthcoming.
- Spring newsletter to include rental policy and toilet replacement reminders.
- No parking sign on 23rd was moved.
- Dog on a leash sign is posted at the park. Esther’s husband might be able to make a wooden sign stating "Property of Southbrook Condos.
- No spruce up day to happen.
- New Business:
- Is there enough money to move some into the reserve account? Review of Budget.
- HOA meeting is being scheduled.
- The next board meeting is January 22, 2024 at 6 p.m. at unit 63.
- Treasurer Report:
- Bank statements have not been reconciled and she is doing so now.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Southbrook Condo Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 21, 2023
Old Minutes were approved via email as of 6/22.
Property Manager report:
- Painting - close to being done. When he finishes they will go over 2 buildings. Some rot has been discovered along with a bad railing.
- Lifter - work on sidewalk at #19. Half of the project has been paid. He provided a bid for #26 $2475.93.
- Inventory of sidewalks was done. Most serious problem is #38, has a pad at the garage shoved up about 3-4 inches. #38 claims the pad got pushed when they did the street. #1 priority is to replace the pad. Street along 23rd, approximately 21 raised sidewalk areas, which is our responsibility. The sidewalk on 20th, approximately 13 raised sidewalk areas. Resolution could be a combination of grinding them down and or drilling holes to pump them back up.
- #19 possible claim re/fall - Insurance company got ahold of the property manager and had him provide them with photos.
- #38 pad repair - get an estimate and get it fixed before winter.
- Need an estimate to fix all the other sidewalk issues. Decisions will be made for long term improvement after estimate.
- High Country Paving - bird bath in front of #81 & #82. They did some grinding on asphalt which pushed the issue into #81. Bill will contact High Country again.
- #3 - second floor, leak in roof. Pinnacle roofing is coming to look at the issue.
- Addressed email from #83 - Vents not properly connected. Unable to clean the dryer vent until the issue is fixed. Need to look at other vents on the 3 story buildings.
- #44 - moisture problem in bedroom on 3rd floor. No access to the roof due to the cathedral ceiling. Option to put roof vents up to relieve moisture build up. Estimate forthcoming. Caulking done on upper deck. More caulking needs to be done.
- #44 - will be leasing their condo. Has about 45 days to advise the board who the renter is.
- Flower beds. Discussion on whether to have Cashman’s or have the condo owner’s do the work themselves. Assess individual owners for taking care of it.
- Some junipers and removable pines that are turning brown. Excess salt will turn them brown.
- A few decks will be sealed. One railing is bad and needs replacement. #64 railing is a code violation. Will be fixed.
- Chimney inspection forthcoming.
Resident Manager’s Report:
- Balance of accounts reviewed. $68,680.61 all accounts.
- 3/4th’s of painting has been paid.
Old Business:
- Chip down stumps. Look at next year.
- Missed trimming around #84, Property Manager to speak to landscaping company.
- We still do not have a sign for the dog park. The board decided that the sign will require dogs to be on leash, but it will not limit use of the area to condo residents.
- #36 deck being taken care of.
- #55 - did they get the vent? Yes, there is a vent.
- #5 - vehicle stationary that has flat tires. Send photos to board.
- Invoice for dog bags given to Resident Manager for reimbursement.
- Property Manager to speak with the City regarding the parking sign on 23rd.
- Risk Control form - add revised date to bottom. Date to return by put in email and where to return it to. Will be sent out early September. Deadline of November 15th.
- Esther to work with Nancy on quick books.
New Business:
- #19 Satellite dishes - may be put on but must be approved by the HOA board.
- Missing downspouts in buildings 39-42 and 43-46 will be addressed in the long-term gutter plan.
- #19 accident - still under insurance company.
- Fall newsletter - parking requirements, no subletting/ rental policy, replacing toilets (needs to be low flow for a rebate from the City), risk control form, and dryer vent cleaning.
- Weeds - general clean up? #8 spruce up day - provide a date that works? Pie social? Potentially Friday after Labor Day?
- Next Meeting date: December 4th @ 6pm at Jorie's place.
Southbrook Condo Board Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 16, 2023
Matters discussed:
Queries need to be directed to Nancy, Resident Manager.
#44 staining upper deck.
Bozeman Arbor Care has been completed aside from one branch near the bridge that needs to be picked up.
Painters begin 6/19. Initial down payment has been made.
Members of the board will monitor the dog poop bag container at the park. We will see if we can acquire a replacement key. We will work on getting a sign to say, “All dogs must be on a leash.”
Missed trimming around #84. Complaints of the trimming have been sent to the landscaping company. The owner is coming next week to view all the areas missed.
Gutters will be cleaned yearly. Cost is about $5K. No updating the gutters this year.
Chimney inspections forthcoming. Risk control policy to be sent out to all owners.
Winter ice freeze recap - everything is taken care of. #5 no damage in the ceiling. #6 any repair work that needs to be done the renter will fix it. #3 no damage. #67 no damage, #77 got fixed, patched, stucco and painted. #51 fixed. #64 roof looked at. #77 roof leakage coming from the valley, rain gutters did not help.
Puddle in front of #81 & #82 - A crew is coming to view and give recommendation. May need to make modifications.
#36 deck repair - something that was left undone last fall. Will be paid for by the Holy Rosary Church.
#55 Kiln - approved.
Southbrook accounts: Checking $35667.97. Savings $2014. We have accumulated $10103.11 in the reserve. Total $47771.21. Our revenue level is as expected.
Insurance due beginning of July. Deadline for August 7th when payments are due.
Year to date total expenses: $81072.14.
Recap on dues $200 payment. Only 4 are still outstanding.
Dog from business next door - no update. No flyers sent.
#5 cars - One car has not moved and has flat tires. Letter to be sent to owner.
The board is responsible for canvassing the condo complex. Will walk the grounds to make sure everything is ok and up to HOA bylaw standards.
Old business #70 re: hedges - no update.
Need to talk to the city re: the parking signs on 23rd. Trucks are still blocking view from pulling out.
Next meeting 8/21/2023