Resident Manager
Nancy Stetter, Resident Manager
Nancy was born and raised in Denver, CO, lived in Santa Barbara, CA, Dubois,WY, and moved to Bozeman in 1983. She has been an owner and resident of Southbrook Condos since 2003, the Financial Officer since 2006, and the Residential Manager since May, 2011. She has over 30 years of managerial, administrative and financial/bookeeping experience in such fields as local government, business, a medical clinic, a non-profit and self-employment.
She is a Life Coach and Consultant with a master's degree in Applied Behavioral Science, which comes in handy when dealing with difficult issues with owners, renters, prospective owners, and vendors. Nancy very much enjoys the contact she has with Southbrook owners through the position she holds and loves living at Southbrook. Her purpose in her work is to make sure Southbrook's financial situation is sound, enforce the by-laws, assist the Board of Directors and owners in any way she can.
Nancy is the liaison between the Property Manager, Bill Jones, the residents, and the Board of Directors. She is responsible for awareness of possible by-law violations; assisting and encouraging owners to attend the membership meetings or send a proxy; and includes welcoming of new residents and helping them to be aware of our community's culture.
Nancy is also the person to contact for a variety of issues ranging from concerns about building and grounds maintenance to finding out information regarding semi-annual association meetings, payment of dues, or general questions of any nature. You may reach Nancy at 406-587-2334 or at