Minutes of Meetings
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 7, 2024
Gallatin Valley Church
All board members present.
Roll call to determine if we have a quorum. Quorum determined.
Meeting called to order at 6:11 p.m.
Jorie introduced the board.
Motion to approve last year’s minutes. Approved.
Property Manager’s Report:
Landscape - a few trees removed with more to be assessed for health. Some insurance companies have taken an issue with how many trees we have.
- Sprinkler heads - many were broken off last year and need to be replaced.
- Sidewalk & parking pads - One pad is scheduled to be replaced this spring. Will review sidewalks.
- Painting - Board prioritized buildings to be painted last fall. Select painting to happen this year.
- Patios & decks - patios inventoried to determine which ones need repair. Some 2nd & 3rd floor decks are rotting.
- Gutters - all gutters are original. Bid for gutters to be replaced $71600. Some gutters have been replaced. May find a cheaper alternative.
- Question regarding - do we need to replace them all at the same time?
- A condo owner has 3 contacts for gutters they will provide contact info to Bill.
- Chimneys - $2579 for all chimneys to be inspected last year. 18 caps missing. Board to vote about replacement Parking - curb parking is a safety issue. Many cars sitting without moving.
Snow removal - It cost $1K every time they come in.
- Sidings & roofs - no ice damns this year.
Additional questions from condo owners:
Tudor - pond issue still has not been fixed in front of 81 & 82. *Do we need an attorney to work on the warranty issue? - Bill, no.
Question for cleaning chimneys and it being paid for by each condo owner. - Bill, the man has a list of whose needs to be cleaned. Jorie - we need to notify people.
Tudor - before the caps were paid for by the owners.
#44 - Will we replant new trees as we take them out? Bill, moving forward we will replant trees but probably not big ones. Esther, board has discussed putting in smaller trees.
Tudor - aphids are we spraying for them? Bill, no.
#44 - can we have our handy man replace them with gutter guards from a local store. Bill, I am going to look into it. Esther, even if our handyman did it, it would require maintained and special equipment to reach them. We might not replace all of them.
Tudor - shingles are they the 30 year replacement?
#44 - Do we have 3 different insurance plans? Nancy, yes. But it is one payment.
#44 - her windows are breaking down. Jorie, it is your responsibility to replace them. Run it by the board but the appearance should be the similar.
Tudor - does Kaufman still repair our garage repairs?
#44 - does snow removal shovel our sidewalks? Bill, yes.
#44 - who sweeps under the stairwells?
Resident Manager’s Report:
- 2 units for sale, one of which is a rental (#86). 17 people on a list to rent their condo.
- #44 - should we be considering increasing the rental number? Bob, no, the intent is to keep it less of a rental place. Esther, it would change the bylaws.
Treasurer’s Report:
Esther gives current number of funds in accounts.
#44 - what is the reserve account for? Esther and #2 respond. It is there for us to keep our condos safe and upkeep
- Budget:
- #44 - what about a CD? Jorie, we might consider looking into it in the fall.
- #44 - what about the $200 a month fee being brought down once the reserve was funded. Esther & Bob responded that we are barely making our budget now.
- #44 - what is the professional, bookkeeping, etc.? Esther & Jorie explain the line items. They will provide a breakdown of the budget items.
President presents slated board of nominees.
* Do we have any nominations from the floor? No.
* Motion to accept the slated board of directors. All voted to approve.
* Patty believes there was an amendment for board members to be in for 2 years.
Old Business:
Water bill is high. Jorie presents City of Bozeman free kit to check toilet leakages. Esther - investigate water use further.
#44 - City of Bozeman will reimburse you if you replace items in house that are water efficient.
Maintaining the community atmosphere. *Members would like for the parking violation form to be put on the website.
Reminder to keep noise levels maintained and inform other members of construction. Do we want to propose a bylaw for a noise issue?
Thank you for turning in Risk Control Forms.
Outdoor cooking - Jorie read the current by-law about outdoor cooking. No charcoal or fire pits.
Note read from Michael Morgner re: parking and provided the direct number to parking division with the City of Bozeman.
New Business:
#44 - meeting more than once a year? Jorie - stated that the by-laws state one association meeting per year.
- Is there a directory of people to contact for windows, etc. with notes, “did a good job? Etc.” Jorie - yes, good suggestion.
Meeting adjourned 7:53 p.m.
Property Manager Report Details:
In 2023 a few trees were removed due to age/disease and location. Trees, shrubs will be assessed this spring for condition.LAWNS/FLOWER BEDS:
A heads up. Insurance companies are starting to push back on areas that have a lot of trees. We had grumblings from a previous insurance carrier. We live in town but it is no different than living in the foothills with lots of trees. None of these buildings are defensible if we have a large fire.
Stumps will be ground down this spring.
Bushes and shrubs near walkways need constant attention. Encroachment on walkways and growing into siding need to be addressed. This is starting to show up in home inspections.
Flower beds were cleaned up last fall. Over time residents or owners have put a lot of work into these flower beds. Many perennials come up yearly. Beds take a lot of work to maintain and control weeds. Many of current residents do not have the time or the desire to maintain these beds. It is a job that we may have to hire somebody to do.SPRINKLER SYSTEM:
Lawn was fertilized and weed control was applied in Nov.
Many heads were broken off the past summer near the two buildings that were painted. Heads have been fine tuned to not spray on buildings.SIDEWALKS/PARKING PADS:
Have been assessed for condition and safety. One pad is scheduled to be replaced. Some walkways are being considered for lift or grinding.Sidewalk at 19 lifted $3200PARKING:
Is always an issue. Community has changed to several rentals with multiple cars involved. Some residents use guest parking for long term storage of vehicles. Results in curb parking which is a safety issue. Consider parking on 23rd, Dickerson or 20th.SNOW REMOVAL:
Contract is $1,000 per event. Jan was $6,000PAINTING:
2 buildings painted in 2023. 63-70 and 56-62. Board inventoried buildings last fall and prioritized buildings for painting. Decision made to paint selected sides of building that are in need of painting, not whole building.PATIO FENCE AND DECKS:
Patio fences are being inventoried for repair/replacement. Construction will be a little different to allow drying of material and less rot. Posts in plastic sleeve and in gravel for drainage. Siding attached to treated plywood with small gap at ends to allow breathing. Plywood will be attached to posts by angle iron, not inserted into a groove.SIDING AND ROOFS:
Deck railings are being assessed and prioritized for repair /replacement. When snow is gone I will be asking for access to decks to assess. This includes third floor decks.
When roofs were replaced in 2011 some flashing may not have been installed where roofs and siding meet. Some leaks are appearing and it is being noted in home inspections. Thankfully we have not had ice dam problems like last year.GUTTERS:
Many of our gutters are originals. Slope is not the best on some all worked well originally. Then the trees got taller. Leaves and needles are a problem.CHIMNEYS:
To clean the gutters it cost $1/foot. We have 3,490 feet of gutter$3490 per cleaning. $40 per unit
I received a bid in June 2023 to replace the gutters, downspouts and install leaf guards where needed. $71,108.50. $808/unit Approximately $10/foot gutter and $10/ft for downspouts and gutter guards.
PRO VAC INSPECTED ALL CHIMNEYS. Several need caps replaces. Some need cleaning. We now have a baseline for the future. $2795
Southbrook Condo Association Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 13, 2023
Fellowship Alliance Church Sanctuary
2. The roll was called to determine if a quorum was present – with 25 proxies and 19 people present a quorum was met.
3. The current Board introduced themselves; it was announced that Gene had retired and that Bill Jones had resigned from the Board to take the Property Manager position.
4. Report by Bill Jones:
- Association members are encouraged to help each other out in navigating the property in the winter Snow and ice buildup was inevitable since snow removal takes place after everyone has gone
- to work and packed down the lot with their cars. The cost of snow removal is $1,000 per visit.
- The city should move the no parking signs on 23rd further back from the edge of the entrance.
- Tree and branch removal is needed because of damage during the winter storms.
- The gutters need cleaning. (An ice dam problem caused leakage in one first level unit; cost to remove the ice was $1500. A permanent fix to the gutter is needed.)
- Since our roofs are quite new, there is good protective underlay beneath the shingles.
- One or two buildings should be painted this summer.
- Light bulbs and ice melt have been replaced as needed. Residents should not discard the ice melt containers when they are empty. New ones are costly.
- Gene left us with good maintenance contracts for this year and next.
5. Discussion and suggestions about maintenance from members and Board members
- As we are thinning the trees, can we plant some new ones so that not all of our trees are the same age?
- What have been the results of the leaf guards on the gutters of one unit? Are they worth the expense?
- The association is responsible for inspecting the chimneys, but owners need to pay for any cleaning that is found to be necessary. Owners want to be informed when chimney inspections are scheduled. Because of the danger of chimney fires, there will be follow-up by the Board to be sure any chimney that needs cleaning is cleaned.
- Owners are responsible for regular cleaning of the dryer vents.
- Finding vendors to do the work is becoming more difficult. Nevertheless, members want to know that the Board finds the best bid.
- If there is another winter like this one, can something be done to mitigate the dangerous ice on the roads? Sand?
- Southbrook's park area between the creek and 20th street has a container for plastic poop bags, but it is empty. We should get it filled.
6. Proposed budget and discussion
- Brian LaMeres explained the need to raise the dues since our infrastructure is aging, we have a shortfall of funds for our required reserves, and regular items on the budget such as snow removal and lawn care have gone up dramatically over the past 5 years.
- We should add a budget item for rehabilitation every year in order to be prepared for major infrastructure needs that are likely to arise.
- The Board recommended two options for due increases - $25 or $35 per month.
- After some discussion, a motion to raise the dues $35 per month for a total of $200 was made and seconded. The motion passed with 42 for and 2 against.
7. A slate of four candidates for the Board of Directors, Bob Davis, Esther Fishbaugh, Emily Gonzales and Jorie Hanson, was presented. The candidates were unanimously approved to serve on the Board.
8. Appreciation was expressed for the retiring Board Members – Patti Britton, Bill Jones, and Brian LaMeres, all of whom have given years of service to the Association.
9. Topics from the membership were proposed and there was general support for the following ideas:
- A quarterly newsletter and budget report
- Community activities such as a 4th of July party and a Community clean-up day
- A sign designating the lawn on 20th Street as the property of Southbrook, not a public park.
10. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25.